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Coding Rules and Regulations: New EU Legislation 1169/2011 for Food Labels
Coding Rules and Regulations: New EU Legislation 1169/2011 for Food Labels
The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology has recently announced that more than 17 million Europeans have a food allergy, and that this number is still increasing.
Since there are no main answers to the question of why food allergies have increased, and researchers are still learning the consequences of the disorder, the EU has announced new requirements for food labels.
As of the 13th of December 2014 all food producers in the EU must comply with new packaging requirements for food labels. The European directive 1169/2011 gives consumers more clarity about the ingredients, nutrition and allergens in packaged foods, by implementing changes in the layout and the information on labels.
- What does EU1169 / 2011 legislation mean to manufacturers?
The new directive requires a number of changes with regards to the information on a label.
The most relevant change required for packaging will be that all substances that are classified as food allergens have to be highlighted and emphasised in the ingredients list. For companies that produce and process products with allergens these regulations may require huge changes.
- Who does the new European rule apply?
EU 1169/2011 applies to manufacturers within the EU.
It also applies to any organisation that sells food products in the EU.
Examples of companies to which the regulations apply:
- Retailers, including online stores
- Caterers, restaurants, fast food chains
- Process management, selling or importing food
Videojet has a range of solutions to help to manufacturers abide to the new regulations.
We offer various coding technologies to print variable information such as small character inkjet printers, boxes coders, print & apply systems and laser coders.
Want to know more about Videojet code assurance solution?
Call for more info 0800 500 3023 or Visit
To see how Videojet can help you comply, without adding unnecessary stress to production lines.
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